

 Suddenly he stooped. He heard voices from behind the door. Cathey was still angry and her voice was loud. Ray was angry too. Jim waited outside the door, but the argument continued. Jim decided to knock on the door, But suddenly he heard a terrible scream from the room.

 I read "The House on the moors".

 Beth Marshall and Jim, her husband decided to drove. Suddenly, it started raining and they lost, so they decided to stay at a nearby hotel. In the hotel, there were Cathy Slater and Ray, her husband. He told Beth and Jim he was in a rock band. Moreover, he played his guitar for them after dinner. In their room, they heard Cathy shouting at Ray. And then they could not sleep when they went to bed because the room was very hot. Jim went downstairs and tried to ask Slaters for a different room. However, he was very frightened because he heard Cathy was still angry at Ray and she screamed terribly. Jim returned to their room and told Cathy to leave here right now. On their way home, she realized she had forgotten her watch at the hotel and they returned to the hotel. But surprisingly, there was no hotel.

 This story is horror. If I were them, I would be traumatized. I do not want to have such an experience in a strange land.


 Janie stays calm. She looks at the man with the knife. Then his arm and sweeps with her legs. The man falls and lets go of Richard The knife falls to the floor.

I read "Karateka".

Janie Roberts is a 14 years old schoolgirl who went to her karate class three times a week. She wanted to wear a black belt, but she did not work hard. Therefore, she lost in the karate competition. Richard, her brother often made fun of her. However, one day, the incident occurred that a tall man with a knife held Richard. She helped him with using the technique she learned in karate. Eventually, everyone praised her and she got a confidence. She thought she would wear a black belt someday.

I thought she was so great to stop thieves. I also thought it was important to be confident as well as doing you best. I want to be more confident and work harder.


  As humans became more intelligent, they found new and more effective ways to kill. And as people began living in larger groups, they neede...