

A long time ago there were no houses and people lived in caves. Stanley lived in a cave, but he did not like it.

 Stanley did not want to live there, but the other cavemen said that this was good enough for them. Stanley liked to plant seeds, paint pictures, and be nice to people or animals. The other cavemen did not his behavior like that, so they chased him away. He looked for a place to live, but he could not find a good place. He started to make his house. He loved it. In the other hand, he was lonely. One day, he saw the cavemen was chased by the animals. Stanley made the animals go away. the cavemen thanked him. they got along and made houses.

 I am glad that everybody became happy.  However, I wondered why the cavemen disliked Stanley at first even though he was a nice person. I want to be kind to people and animals like Stanley.

New Vocabulary

 club=こん棒 snore=いびきをかく lonesome=寂しい、孤独の

Jack and the Beanstalk

 I read “Jack and the Beanstalk”


 Jack was told to sell the cow and get money by his mother because they were very poor, but he gave the cow to a strange old man and got magic beans. In the next morning, he found there was a very tall beanstalk. He climbed it and came to a road. There was a big woman and big house. She gave him some breakfast. She said that he had to hide because her husband was a giant and ate boys. Jack took a back of gold and came out quietly. Then he climbed the beanstalk and stole various things such as the magic hen and magic harp. The giant chased Jack. his mother cut down the beanstalk, so the giant fell down and died.


 This story seems to be happy ending. However, I thought that Jack was bad to steal things from the giant and killed him. It is a cruel story.

New vocabulary

 stalk= hen=雌鶏



  I read “SMALL WOLF”

 Small Wolf lived with his family in a village. His father hunted the animals to eat, and his mother cooked. On the other hand, all Small Wolf could do was fish. He wanted to catch bigger things, so he asked his father good hunting. He wants to be like his father. One day, he went to into forest. When he came out of the woods after he woke up, he found there were houses with chimneys and ships and human whose skin was white. He was afraid because he had not seen like them. It was Manhattan. The white people put up more houses, and their animals ate the crops the Indians had planted. Small Wolf father decided to ask the leader of the white men to stop to destroy the land. However, the white people sent Indians away from there. In consequently, Indians had to move to another place.


 It was bad that Indians were discriminated. I hope that people can get along regardless of race.

New Vocabulary

 canoe=カヌー string=ひも、糸 eel=ウナギ oyster=カキ weasel=イタチ otter=カワウソ chimney=煙突 twirl=をくるくる回す stubby=短くて太い、ずんぐりした queer=奇妙な startle=をびっくりさせる trample=を踏みつける duck=隠れる、逃げる、を沈める


ZOME The Rabbit


ZOME the rabbit. He is not big. He is not strong. But he is very clever.

 ZOME wanted to be cleverer and asked Sky God how to do. Sky God told him to do three impossible things. The first was to bring the scales of Big Fish in the sea. The second was to bring the milk of Wild Cow. The third was to bring the tooth of Leopard. ZOME achieved all these things by the awful way. Sky God gave him wisdom but said that he lacked caution because Big Fish, Wild Cow, and Leopard was angry and chased  ZOME.

 I thought ZOME was nice to have ambition and achieve everything Sky God said. In other hand, I thought he was not nice to be unkind to the other animals. He should have solved them by another way that the other animals could also be satisfied with.

New Vocabulary

scoop=すくい上げる、を出し抜く、小シャベル palm=ヤシ、を盗む、掌中に隠す、騙す thump=強く殴る、激しく当たる horn=角 sprinkle=をまく、ふりかける tip=を傾ける、予想する、先、助言


  As humans became more intelligent, they found new and more effective ways to kill. And as people began living in larger groups, they neede...