


  I read “SMALL WOLF”

 Small Wolf lived with his family in a village. His father hunted the animals to eat, and his mother cooked. On the other hand, all Small Wolf could do was fish. He wanted to catch bigger things, so he asked his father good hunting. He wants to be like his father. One day, he went to into forest. When he came out of the woods after he woke up, he found there were houses with chimneys and ships and human whose skin was white. He was afraid because he had not seen like them. It was Manhattan. The white people put up more houses, and their animals ate the crops the Indians had planted. Small Wolf father decided to ask the leader of the white men to stop to destroy the land. However, the white people sent Indians away from there. In consequently, Indians had to move to another place.


 It was bad that Indians were discriminated. I hope that people can get along regardless of race.

New Vocabulary

 canoe=カヌー string=ひも、糸 eel=ウナギ oyster=カキ weasel=イタチ otter=カワウソ chimney=煙突 twirl=をくるくる回す stubby=短くて太い、ずんぐりした queer=奇妙な startle=をびっくりさせる trample=を踏みつける duck=隠れる、逃げる、を沈める

1 件のコメント:

  1. In consequently, Indians had to move to another place.

    Consequently, Indians had to move to another place.



  As humans became more intelligent, they found new and more effective ways to kill. And as people began living in larger groups, they neede...